1984 - Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 26 (6), 939-940, 1984
報文:Mycocerein, a novel antifungal peptide antibiotic produced by Bacillus cereus Wakayama Sachio, Fumiyasu Ishikawa, Kunio Oishi
1988 - Journal of Chromatography, 438, 61-72 , 1988
報文:High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Carthamin, Safflower Yellow A and a Precursor of Carthamin--Application to the Investigation of an Unknown Red Pigment Produced in Cultured cells of Safflower. Katsuyuki Nakano, Yoshiro Sekino, Naogorou Yomo, Sachio Wakayama, Shuji Miyano, Kusaka Kazuhito, Etsuko Daimon, KazuhitoImaizumi, Yoshinobu Totsuka, Siszuru Oda, Yasuyuki Yamada
1988 - New Food Industry, 30, (4), 7-9,1988
報文:ベニバナ色素の組織培養について 若山祥夫
1988 - Zeitschriftb fur Naturforschung, 43c, 862-870,1988
報文:Accumulation of a Novel Red Pigment in Cell Suspension Cultures of Floral Meristem Tissues from Carthamus tinctorius L.Koshi Saitou, Etsuko DAimon, Kazuhito Kusaka, SachioWakayama Yoshiriro Sekino
1989 - 食品産業センター技術研究報告 15, 83-91, 1989
報文:多獲性赤身魚の食品素材化、特に矯臭に関する研究 若山祥夫、関野芳弘
1990 - Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 19, 395-399, 1990
報文:Sequence determination of unknown cyclic peptide antibiotics by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry K. Ishikawa, Y. Niwa, K. Oishi, S. Aoi, T. Takeuchi, and S. Wakayama
1990 - Biomedical and environmental mass spectrometry, 19, 395,1990
報文:Sequence determination of unknown cyclic peptide antibiotics by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry K. Ishikawa, Y. Niwa, K. oishi, S. Aoi, T. Takeuti, S. Wakayama
1991 - Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, 32, 477-484, 1991
報文:マツタケの栄養菌糸のマツタケオール(1-octen-3-ol)生産におよぼす低温処理効果 寺下隆夫、竹内寿男、若山祥夫、関野芳弘、照井正三郎、吉川賢太郎、獅山慈孝
1992 - 食品産業センター技術研究報告 18, 25-30, 1992
報文:多獲性魚すり身の成分適正化加工システムの開発 若山祥夫、関野芳弘、照井正三郎
1993 - FEMS Microbiology Letters, 114, 167-172, 1993
報文:Rapid and sensitive method for detection of Salmonella strains using a combination of polymerase chain reaction and reverse dot-blot hybridization Kazuo Iida, Akio Abe, Hidenori Matui, Hirofumi Danbara, Sachio Wakayama, Kazuyoshi Kawahara
1993 - FEMS Microbiology Letters, 114, 167-172, 1993
報文:Rapid and sensitive method for detection of Salmonella strains using a combination of polymerase chain reaction and reverse dot-blot hybridization Kazuo Iida, Akio Abe, Hidenori Matui, Hirofumi Danbara, Sachio Wakayama, Kazuyoshi Kawahara
1994 - Zeitschriftb fur Naturforschung, 49c, 1-5, 1994
報文:Kinobeon A, A Novel Red Pigment Produced in Safflower Tissue Culture Systems.Sachio Wakayama, Kazuhito Kusaka, Tsutom Kanehira, Yasuyuki Yamada, Kazuyosi Kawazu, Akio Kobayashi
1994 - Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 58(3), 600-601, 1994
報文:Isolation of Sphingomonas Strains from Ear of Rice and Other Plants of Family Gramineae Kazuyoshi Kawahara, Ikuko Mizuta, Wakana Katabami, Megumi Koizumi, Sachio Wakayama
1995 - 岡山大学農学部博士論文
1996 - 論文:ベニバナの組織培養法による新規紅色色素の生産に関する研究 若山 祥夫
1995 - Shokubutu Sosiki Baiyou , 1995 12(3), 297-302
論文:A novel red pigment, Kinobeon A produced by the cell culture of Compositae plants. Sachio Wakayama, Tsutomu Kanehira, Kazuhito Kusaka, Kobayashi Akio
1996 - Jpn. Food Saiensu , 1996 35(2), 39-43
論文:Chitosan as designated health food material Sachio Wakayama, Ciyoe Hirata, Koji Sakamoto
2011 - 近畿大学農学部紀要 第44号 1-8 (2011)
論文:鶏冠由来低分子ヒアルロン酸の化学組成とヒト肌への臨床試験による保湿効果 寺下隆夫、白坂憲章、楠田瑞穂、若山祥夫
2011 - 日本きのこ学会 Vol.19(2) 93-99, 2011
論文:シイタケおよびFlammulina populicola 培養への低分子ヒアルロン酸を主成分とするニワトリ鶏冠分解物の応用 寺下隆夫、白坂憲章、楠田瑞穂、若山祥夫
2018 - Glycative stress research、Volume.5(1):55-67
Study for investigation of symptomatic improvement and safety of the ingestion of rooster comb degradation product containing low-molecular hyaluronic acid (INJUV) in individuals with knee and lower back pain; open-label trial with no control group Mari Ogura, Wakako Takabe, Masayuki Yagi, Sachio Wakayama, Yoshikazu Yonei
2018 - 低分子ヒアルロン酸含有鶏冠酵素分解物(INJUV)摂取による 膝、腰の症状改善および安全性の検討試験:無対照オープンラベル試験 小椋真理、高部稚子、八木雅之、若山祥夫、米井嘉一